Such was the success of last week’s new Developing Intelligence in the Corporate Security Environment Course that ARC has decided to run a second course later in the year, 24-28 October. For details
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Last week’s course, led by Steve Phelps and Justin Crump, saw delegates from Russia, the UK, Kazakhstan and Nigeria learn how to identify and manage the challenges that will arise out of the requirement to develop a security intelligence capability as a subdivision of the coporate security function. Delegates examined the requirement for a project-managed approach to developing the facilities, human resources, hardware and software environments and the products in order to meet the requirements of the business. They were also challenged to think critically about cross-departmental cooperation and utility, product delivery, quality assurance and quality control, operational security, ethics of conducting intelligence operations and above all how to demonstrate value for money and return on investment. In all, they were equipped to deliver the new capability or develop an existing capaility withion their company's security function.
Full of confidence with their new skills, they return to their organisations with a full toolset that will allow them to add value to their respective businesses by driving down uncertainty on the decision-making processes for managers across the business, facilitating the pre-emptive deployment of security risk mitigation thereby reducing risk to
As Low As Reasonably Practicable and improving effectiveness and efficiency of security delivery.