Friday, June 1, 2007

Many Corporate Wi-Fi Networks Still at Risk from Hacking - ARC Publishes New Handout on IT Security

One year ago almost 40% of wi-fi networks in London’s business districts were operating without encryption, according to Kaspersky Lab - a developer of secure content management solutions - in its latest wireless security report. Since then the situation has been gradually improving. This year the survey has indicated:

- 31% of wireless networks in London as a whole are failing to encrypt traffic.

- 35% of wireless networks in Canary Wharf are failing to encrypt traffic.

The report drew particular attention to the unsatisfactory situation in Canary Wharf, which is home to many companies high on hackers’ targeting lists.

The full report can be found on:

The vulnerabilities of wi-fi networks are just one of the topics covered in ARC Training’s Information and IT Security Workshop, which is held three times a year or on-site, by request.

For delegates who have attended Security Management Stage 1, or SMAP, a new IT Security Handout is now available on request.