Thursday, August 9, 2007

Useful Advice on Measures to Reduce the Impact of Protest Group Actions

A highly organised protest group will court media coverage, explains the Metropolitan Police website. If their cause is topical or high on the political agenda (e.g. genetically modified crops), it is likely that their protest could attract wide local, and possibly national media interest.

It is important to remember that the words and actions of staff may be recorded. Staff should be reminded of this fact, and should not be drawn into an argument or use bad language.

By acting professionally, and in accordance with the establishment's policy, it is easy to turn the voice of protest around so that a balanced view can be gained. If staff are approached by the media they should not get drawn into making any comment but politely refer them to the designated member of the management team.

For access to the site with further advice on a range of physical and procedural security measures arising from protest group activity click on: