Monday, May 26, 2008

Putting Together a Bomb Emergency Response Plan

The threat of no warning car-bomb or walk-in suicide attacks means radical alterations to old bomb threat response plans, many of which focussed on an orderly search and evacuation to an assembly area, following receipt of a threat.

Delegates attending the recent Security Management Stage 1 Course in the UK were asked what they felt should now be included in a organisation’s Bomb Emergency Response Plan. These are their suggestions:

Threat assessment; detecting hostile reconnaissance; liaison with authorities; suspicious device recognition characteristics; actions on discovery of a suspect device; evacuation and assembly areas (internal and external); safe havens for blast survivors; actions in the event of a blast inside the building; actions in the event of a blast outside the building; first aid, casualty stabilisation and rescue procedures; searching for missing persons; command, communication, coordination and control; activation of emergency room/command post; use of PA system; actions on telephone bomb threat; actions on alert level rise; actions on suspicious mail; proactive and reactive searching and search team organisation, procedures and control; incident management and cordon control; reoccupation plan; logistics

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