Sunday, August 10, 2008

New UK National Risk Register Delivers Some Disturbing News

A flu pandemic is the gravest threat to UK security and could claim as many as 750,000 lives, according to the first ever publicly available UK Government National Risk Register.

The report delivers some interesting assessments including:

· The probability of a non-conventional terrorism attack (chemical, biological or radiological) attack is about the same as the probability of inland flooding. This would suggest that the government is expecting a CBR attack soon.

· A terrorist attack against transport infrastructure or a crowded place is seemingly imminent and is given a higher probability than an outbreak of severe weather.

· A terrorist attack against critical infrastructure is more likely than a major industrial accident.

That this has now been published openly puts great pressure on security managers of transport infrastructure, places of entertainment, shopping malls, and critical infrastructure to ensure that they carry out risk analysis at the micro level, taking into account the government assessment, and that they have correct risk-commensurate security measures in place, including, if appropriate, a CBR incident response plan.

The report mirrors recent risk predictions in the USA.

Click on the link below for the full report: