Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Demonstrating Competence in Security Management

ARC has a wide selection of forthcoming courses that will allow you to demonstrate competence in security management.

Security Management Stage 1 (17 – 28 November) is the “A to Z” of core security management skills. It is very interactive, fast paced and includes a challenging and engaging course project. It has been attended by hundreds of security managers from around the world, and many of the world’s top multinational companies consider it a benchmark in core-skills security management proficiency. Moreover, the course constitutes part of a work-based studies MSC with Middlesex University. For more details click here: http://www.arc-tc.com/pages/university_acredited_sm.asp#sm1

Security Management Stage 2 (9 – 20 February) is intended for experienced security managers, typically those who have undertaken a core skills security management training programme, or certification such as the CPP. Picking up where Security Management Stage 1 finishes, it tackles the more complex issues in security management. The course constitutes part of a work-based studies MSC with Middlesex University. For more details go to: http://www.arc-tc.com/pages/university_acredited_sm.asp#sm2

Security Management Stage 3 (9 – 20 February) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia is an advanced-level security management programme that focuses on the skills necessary to manage security at a strategic, regional level. Much emphasis is placed on broadening participants’ ability to contribute effectively to top-level management teams. If you are a CPP holder, this course offers an opportunity to earn all of your necessary recertification credits in one programme. For more details contact Janet.

Investigating and Interviewing Skills (3 – 6 November) is a course specifically prepared for security professionals investigating in a legal context based on English law. Delivered by full-time and vastly experienced investigators, the course is new for 2008 and already has received tremendous accolades, including this from an energy company security advisor: “An excellent course that met my needs very well…that is, to have sufficient understanding to conduct investigations, and to commission investigations by another party.” For details go to: http://www.arc-tc.com/pages/accredited_investigation.asp#f1

IT Security and Incident Response (12-13 November) is designed for security professionals who may be called upon to investigate an incident that involves the use of a computer in some way – an increasing factor in data loss incidents. The course, led by two full-time IT forensics investigators assumes no technical knowledge, but will equip the participant with the skills necessary to manage this type of investigation and, importantly, protect delicate digital evidence that might otherwise be corrupted. For details go to: http://www.arc-tc.com/pages/accredited_investigation.asp#f4

Fof detailed information on any course, contact Janet.