Thursday, July 12, 2007

Biometric Locks Begin to Replace “Digilocks”

Stand-alone digital locks are used widely as a low-level security device to prevent unauthorised staff from entering areas such as storerooms, security control rooms, mailrooms, generator rooms etc. Combinations to such locks, however, very quickly become common knowledge across the business, and by those unauthorised to enter.

A new generation of biometric/numeric keypad locks, costing as little as $200 a unit, are increasingly overcoming this vulnerability. These locks, which are often marketed as home security devices, can operate in biometric mode, biometric and PIN mode or PIN mode only, and are designed to support about 100 users.

The application of such devices in the retail environment and in hotels are obvious.

An example of such a device, designed primarily for home use, can be found at:

Please note that ARC is unable to endorse any product, manufacturer or supplier unless specifically stated.