Thursday, March 29, 2007

The “Open Season” is Underway

The 2007 UK “open season” of university-accredited security management training courses kicks off on 16th April with the two-week Security Management Stage 1 (Core Skills) Course. Led by Phil Wood CPP, the course will also include sessions conducted by David Cresswell CPP and Peter Horsburgh CPP, PSP.

One of the great attractions of these courses is the international, multi-sector networking and security management best practice sharing that occurs during the 10 days of training. With delegates from Europe, Africa, the Middle East and the Russian Far East, representing sector leaders in oil and gas, banking, logistics, property management, tobacco manufacturing, pharmaceuticals and security services, this course promises to be no exception.

For those considering study towards the Middlesex University MSc Work Based Learning (Corporate Security Management) this course constitutes the first of six modules.

An added bonus from this year is that delegates attending Security Management Stages 1, 2 and 3 courses will be sponsored to join The Security Institute, with application and first year membership fees paid by ARC.

An example of clients represented on the forthcoming Security Management Stage 1 Course is the Sakhalin Energy Investment Company, one of the world’s biggest energy projects, and crucial to securing Russia’ s position as global energy supplier. To view SEIC's highly informative website with details on how the company is skilfully minimizing the environmental impact of Russia's first ever LNG plant, set to meet 8% of world demand, click on the link below:

The ARC Training International Academy for Security Management is proud to be associated with this project.