Monday, March 3, 2008

Airport Demonstrations Show Security Gaps

The UK media this week reported two separate demonstrations by environmental activists against the extension of airports and the construction of additional runways. The demonstrators managed to ensure the highest possible profile for their activities by breaching security at Heathrow Airport (climbing onto a BA aircraft tail) and the Houses of Parliament. In addition to the considerable embarrassment for security forces at both sites, questions will no doubt be raised about the methods and routes of access for the demonstrators:

- Had they carried out surveillance?
- Were they aided by insiders?
- What could have happened if they had been terrorists?

Incidents such as this throw up serious concerns for the security professional. And such groups appear to be stepping up their activities. Could it be your CEO’s 4x4 next? Or even his residence?

We discuss responses to threats such as these in detail during our courses. For more information contact Janet.