Offering the CSMP - Certified Security Management Professional distance-learning award
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
New Standard Published – Chief Security Officer
CSO 2008
Information Focus – Port Cyber Security
ARC addresses IT as well as maritime and transport security during various courses in 2009. Contact Janet for information.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Biometrics – Does Your Knowledge Measure Up?
An interesting CNN article can be accessed through this link: CNN Biometric Report
New Report on Disaster Protection
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
New Malware Threats Approaching
Monday, December 15, 2008
Are You Vulnerable to Fraud?
Friday, December 12, 2008
Are Your Financial Transactions Secure?
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Business Travel Security Focus
Monday, December 8, 2008
Technology – Friend or Foe?
Also, the increased availability and capability of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) communications, satellite phones and GPS navigation systems provide such groups with technological agility which greatly enhances their ability to reach targets and communicate with each other.
For most businesses, it must now be assumed that any potential adversary can and will make use of satellite mapping services in their assessment of a site’s weaknesses and strengths. The challenge for the security professional is to ensure that they can optimise protection whilst accepting the fact that they are under satellite surveillance. But remember – although satellites can photograph fences and barriers, approach and escape routes, they cannot assess your security awareness programmes and the effectiveness of your personnel in implementing security procedures. If you can strengthen those, perhaps you can negate the effectiveness of the ‘eye in the sky’!
See a NY Times report on the issue here: NY Times
How to Reduce Information Risks
If you would like to know more about this subject, ARC’s 2009 programme of courses deals with the range of information threats and provides detailed guidance on how to protect your business. Further details are available in the ARC 2009 brochure 2009 Brochure or from Phil
An Essential Physical Security Resource – Now Available
The Manual is one of the resource documents for the ASIS PSP™ certification. In the New Year, ARC will begin the first of its 2009 preparation programmes for the examination. For further information, go to the ARC website
or contact Phil
Chemical Plant Security – Alternative Thinking
Sunday, December 7, 2008
UK Law Guidance Online
How To Implement Security Awareness Programmes.
A good method is to raise the levels of security awareness amongst employees – of course, this can be difficult if there is resistance or apathy amongst the workforce. The US National Security Institute has produced an excellent guidance document, ‘Improving Security from the Inside Out’, which provides analysis of awareness training methodologies and recommendations along with checklists for implementing programmes.
The NSI report is available here: NSI Report
Our upcoming 2009 programmes and courses promote the value of security awareness within vulnerable organisations and we emphasise the positive results that can be achieved throughout all of our training activities. If you would like to know more, please contact Janet, and get your employees' heads out of the sand!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Security Managers – Protectors against Risk or Sources of Competitive Advantage?
In 2006, Demos, a UK ‘think-tank’, published Rachel Briggs’ and Charlie Edwards’ pamphlet The Business of Resilience, which consulted business leaders globally and drew the conclusion that security professionals have the potential to contribute far more to business if they can move away from thought processes which focus only on security.
ARC’s Security Management Stage 3 Courses, which will run in the UK from 11th to 22nd May and 21st September to 2nd October 2009, deal with the themes from The Business of Resilience and ask delegates to critically appraise their own contributions and assess areas in which they could maximise the value of security to their businesses. If you are interested in maximising your own potential or that of your security managers, contact Janet.
You can download a PDF of Briggs’ and Edwards’ report here:
The Business of Resilience
Request for Post-Graduate Assistance
‘Dear Participant,
I thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. The survey is purely for research purposes and is a very important element of my Post Graduate studies in Security Management. The information you provide will be confidential, however the outcome of the research can be made available to you if you so wish. My details should you wish to contact me are:
Mobile: 0044 79 58 046 285 and
I would also be extremely grateful if the questionnaire could be completed on or before 15 December 2008.
You can follow this link to my questionaire:
Danie Adendorff (MSyl)’
Protect Your Assets - Anti-Piracy Insurance
The UK’s Times newspaper has published an article on this latest development in the war on piracy – read it here: The Times - Piracy
Lack of Security Awareness Costs Financial Organisations
You can download a copy of the report from the ARC website by following this link: ENISA Report
If you would like to learn about countering such risks, ARC will be offering a range of Information Security courses and workshops throughout 2009; download the new brochure here or contact Janet for more information.
Quick Links to the Law
International Terrorism and Critical Infrastructures
The German Government has produced an excellent guide in English on the protection of such infrastructures. The guide can be accessed via the ARC website by clicking on the link below:
Protecting Critical Infrastructures - Risk and Crisis Management. A guide for companies and government authorities
In 2009 ARC Training will be offering two new courses on the protection of critical infrastructure:
Protecting Critical Infrastructure, 17-21 August, is intended for security managers who manage the security of critical infrastructure - typically, energy, communications, water, finance, food, health and transport sectors. It will examine the range of threats to designated critical infrastructure, including external physical attacks, sabotage, terrorism, IT-based attacks and insider-assisted attacks, and includes strategies for risk management. For details click on the link below:
Managing Security Risks in the Oil & Gas Sector, 24-28 August, is a sector-specific programme intended for security managers or consultants in the oil and gas industry, or those seeking work in this sector. Drawing on case studies from around the world, it addresses some of the more complex risks associated with oil and gas operations in various environments and includes many practical exercises. Participants should have a baseline level of security management knowledge, such as that covered in Security Management Stage 1. For details click on the link below:
For details on any ARC course, or to discuss an on-house requirement, contact Janet.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
The Human Rights Act 1998 – Are you Bound by It?
The UK Human Rights Act 1998 is based on the European Convention on Human Rights. The Act makes it unlawful for a public authority in the UK to act incompatibly with the Convention rights and allows for a case to be brought in a UK court or tribunal against the authority if it does so.
Privatised utilities such as water, gas and electricity companies have functions that will probably count as "public" under the Human Rights Act. If a body of this type has breached Convention rights, a claim under the Act is possible only if the act or decision complained about is in the public sphere. If it is a wholly private matter (for example where such a person, body or company is acting as an employer or in a commercial capacity), a claim under the Human Rights Act will not be possible.
For a detailed explanation of the guide, click below:
A Guide to the Human Rights Act 1998
Corporate Social Responsibility Focus
The International Finance Corporation (IFC) publishes a set of Performance Standards to manage social and environmental risks and impacts and to enhance development opportunities in its private sector financing in its member countries eligible for financing. The Performance Standards may also be applied by other financial institutions electing to apply them to projects in emerging markets.
On a recent ARC Training on-site course, the CEO of a leading oil and gas company addressing security management delegates underscored his belief that within the context of oil and gas operations in developing countries corporate social responsibility and security management we “two sides of the same coin”.
To download the standards go to:
and scroll down to the heading Corporate Social Responsibility.
The relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and security management will be one of the topics covered in detail in the new Managing Security Risks in the Oil & Gas Sector, 24-28 August. Click on
For details on any ARC course, or to discuss an on-house requirement, contact Janet.
New EU Study on Countering Information Security Risks
To access the report, go to:
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Panel Warns Biological Attack Likely by 2013
The United States can expect a terrorist attack using nuclear or more likely biological weapons before 2013, reports a bipartisan commission in a study being briefed Tuesday to US Vice President-elect Joe Biden.
"The United States should be less concerned that terrorists will become biologists and far more concerned that biologists will become terrorists," the report states. The report is due for release today.
Click on the link below for the full story:
Shared Destinies: Security in a Globalised World
“There is a pressing need to do more to prevent and prepare for violent conflict, state failure, nuclear proliferation, bioterrorism and global pandemics."
Contact David for a copy of the report, or sign up for a copy at