Friday, December 5, 2008

Request for Post-Graduate Assistance

Those who have worked with us know that ARC champions academic development in the security profession and it is important that academic research is based upon reliable information. In keeping with that spirit, can you help with the following request?

‘Dear Participant,

I thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. The survey is purely for research purposes and is a very important element of my Post Graduate studies in Security Management. The information you provide will be confidential, however the outcome of the research can be made available to you if you so wish. My details should you wish to contact me are:
Mobile: 0044 79 58 046 285 and

I would also be extremely grateful if the questionnaire could be completed on or before 15 December 2008.

You can follow this link to my questionaire:

Danie Adendorff (MSyl)’