Friday, December 5, 2008

Security Managers – Protectors against Risk or Sources of Competitive Advantage?

The role of security managers has developed in recent years from that of ‘company policeman’ to a more proactive and business-friendly role. There is considerable weight behind the argument that security professionals should not only know their own specialisation, but also be able to operate with, and speak the ‘language’ of other business departments.

In 2006, Demos, a UK ‘think-tank’, published Rachel Briggs’ and Charlie Edwards’ pamphlet The Business of Resilience, which consulted business leaders globally and drew the conclusion that security professionals have the potential to contribute far more to business if they can move away from thought processes which focus only on security.

ARC’s Security Management Stage 3 Courses, which will run in the UK from 11th to 22nd May and 21st September to 2nd October 2009, deal with the themes from The Business of Resilience and ask delegates to critically appraise their own contributions and assess areas in which they could maximise the value of security to their businesses. If you are interested in maximising your own potential or that of your security managers, contact Janet.

You can download a PDF of Briggs’ and Edwards’ report here:

The Business of Resilience