ARC Training’s on-site training activities have been many and varied during 2008. Examples include:
Crisis and business continuity management training in Africa for a leading multinational manufacturer
Crisis and business continuity management training for security managers and consultants in both the Middle East and the Far East
Practical security surveying training for security managers from Asia
Security management training for property development companies in Dubai
Security management training for a state water authority for a major Middle East country
Business security representative (security focal point) training for multi-tasked managers throughout the world
CPP certification training for security managers of the Bangladesh Security Manager Forum (now transforming into an ASIS Chapter)
Crisis management training for the maritime ports authority of one of the busiest ports in the Middle East
Crisis management training for a government agency in the Middle East, and information security training for a government security agency in Europe
University-accredited security management training for a multinational oil and gas company in Africa
Sector-specialised oil and gas security management training for a multinational oil and gas company in India
On-site security staff training for the data processing centre of a major multinational bank
Security awareness workshop for a major multinational manufacturer
Investigations management training for security managers from a multinational oil and gas company
Fraud investigations training for security managers in the Middle East
If you would like to discuss your organisation's in-house training requirement (security management, crisis management, business continuity management or investigations) with an ARC Training specialist please contact Janet.