Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Getting the Board to Buy in to Security

During a recent ARC security management course, delegates discussed ways in which to achieve better Board engagement in security strategy. Some recommended methods included:

1. Speak the language of the Board: risk management and finance.
2. Demonstrate that you understand the business, the business drivers, strategic objectives and the business model, and the sector dynamics.
3. Share their aspirations, aims and objectives.
4. Risk-based security measures that can demonstrate ROSI.
5. Add value by demonstrating that you are multi-talented.
6. Present security solutions that are cost effective, least inconvenient, and have stakeholder buy-in.
7. Use “we” and not “you”, or use “the business”.
8. Understand convergence and how security systems can become multifunctional (cross-functional) and add cross functional value to the business.
9. Ensure that your priorities and those of the Board coincide, but be prepared to raise issues that you feel strongly about.
10. Be able to compromise. Don’t anchor yourself to a principle or solution and always show flexibility by having alternatives.