Day 2 of the Security Risk Management Course in Prague, conducted by David Cresswell, discussed the concept of embedding into the business a security culture, rather than trying to impose upon business a security regime of “guards, gates and guns”.
One participant shared with the group an interesting initiative undertaken in his own organisation: the CEO had personally sent out an email to all employees designed to measure their company security awareness. Apart from the obvious objective, the email created two by-products. First, it further increased awareness through the way in which the questions were framed. Second, it demonstrated unequivocal top management support for the company’s security programme.
Seven delegates, representing a range of companies including telecommunications, mining, petrochemicals, guarding, technology and the Prague Municipality, are attending the three-day programme, which is delivered through translation into the Czech language in collaboration with ARC’s Czech partner, the Prague-based Orange Group a.s.
Meanwhile, Peter Horsburgh is in Nigeria conducting a one-week Security Coordination and Management Course, Phil Wood is in Dubai conducting Business Continuity and Crisis Management Training, and Janet remains in the UK to look after delegates attending the Investigating IT Misuse Course!