Monday, March 23, 2009

Record Breaking Security Managers!

Stellenbosch, South Africa, was the setting for the recent Security Management Stage 1 Course, attended by 15 security managers from South Africa, Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Senegal.

The course, which was delivered by David Cresswell, covered the core skills areas of corporate security management, and included a detailed security design project, which all delegates completed to a very high standard indeed. The course concluded with a closed-book examination, which all delegates passed, with over half scoring 100% - a first for any Security Management Stage 1 Course.

One delegate remarked that it was the best security course he had attended in 30 years!

Meanwhile, in the UK, a new Security Management Stage 1 course begins today under the tutorship of Phil Wood MBE, who plans to lead the 16 delegates attending to similar successes. Representing a wide range of sectors and countries including UK, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Nigeria, Thailand, Qatar, Greece and Kazakhstan, the delegates are sure to have a very interesting and beneficial two weeks sharing best practice.

The next Security Management Stage 1 (UK) takes place 3-14 August 2009; contact Janet for details or click on the link below.