Sunday, July 15, 2007

Creating a Return on Investment with CCTV over Ethernet

Increasingly, image streams from digital CCTV systems are being transmitted across IT networks, allowing for much greater versatility and use of the recorded data. Any network user with the correct access privileges can, theoretically, be granted rights to view images from specific cameras at his or her workstation.

The potential value of CCTV over Ethernet for non-security tasks such as remote process supervision, safety monitoring, behavioural correction and for use as a staff training aid are considerable. Supermarkets regularly use CCTV to monitor and analyse customer buying habits. One US casino gets payback from its CCTV over Ethernet system investment in being able to accurately investigate false injury compensation claims, such as trips and slips.

When considering over-Ethernet digital CCTV security managers should think creatively, working with other potential users to share costs and share benefits, thereby maximising ROI.

PS. For simple Excel-based digital CCTV bandwidth and storage calculators contact David.