Tuesday, July 3, 2007

CV Cheats in High Places

The threat from ‘insider’ crime by your own employees can be far more damaging than that from the outside. Your company’s property, money and information can all be taken illegally and if you haven’t carried out the required background checks and screening of potential employees, you are asking for trouble.

The Times newspaper in London recently highlighted the case of a chief executive for a multinational hospitality company who had fabricated qualifications on his CV and once discovered, was compelled to resign. Whilst in this case there was no suggestion that he acted illegally, it does illustrate the fact that simple checks do need to be carried out to ensure that the correct person is recruited for the correct job.

Background checks and screening will form part of the programme for the Security Management Stage 1 (Core Skills) Course to take place between 30 July and 10 August 2007.
