Friday, July 6, 2007

Pee-Ping Tom - Take Care When Deploying Covert CCTV

A teacher in the UK has narrowly escaped a jail sentence and has been put on the Sex Offenders’ Register after installing a covert camera in a school’s female toilets.

While this was a deliberate and perverse act, security managers should nevertheless be aware of all the potential consequences of deploying covert CCTV, and the rules regarding where and under what circumstances CCTV can be used. Female facilities, such as changing rooms, are definitely off limits.

Before using such devices, advice should be sought from both HR and Legal departments.

In January 2006 two Liverpool Council CCTV security guard camera operators were put on the National Sex Offenders’ Register and jailed for using CCTV to spy on a naked woman in her own home.

The use of CCTV is one of the subjects covered on the Security Management Stage 1 (Core Skills) Course, 30 July – 10 August.