Friday, September 21, 2007

Has Your ID Been Stolen Yet? At What Point Would You Know if It Had? When the Police Knock on Your Door to Arrest You?

ChoicePoint, a consumer data vendor, hands over personal information on at least 145,000 people to criminals posing as small businesses.
  • Hackers swipe the personal information of 32,000 people who use the database Lexis-Nexis.

  • Bank of America loses backup tapes containing 1.2 million federal employee records.
Every day, it seems, a new identify theft incident is reported.

The lines above were written in 2005, and the situation has got much worse as only now do we become aware of the scope of the threat posed by identity thieves. With the worsening situation have come much greater fines - sometimes in the millions of dollars - just as a result of an employee loosing a laptop with employee personal details on the hard drive.

The full text of the article can be found at: