Monday, September 10, 2007

US Container Security Initiative Goes Global as Worries Continue over Dirty Bombs

US Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff says that the U.S. Container Security Initiative will go into effect at 58 ports across the globe by 1 October 2007, and predicts that the Secure Freight Initiative will become effective by the end of 2007, according to a report in Port Security News.

Once the Secure Freight Initiative has been implemented, U.S. authorities should have no trouble distinguishing "the kitty litter from the dirty bomb" when scanning cargo containers for radiation, Chertoff says. Scanning 100 percent of all cargo is not feasible and would result in clogged ports and supply chains, Chertoff says, explaining, "If I shut them, there won’t be any risk, but there won’t be any ports."

For the full story go to: