Friday, September 14, 2007

If You Are in the Food, Beverages or Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry in Europe, Read This Urgently!

Terrorists may resort to non-conventional means such as biological weapons or materials. Some of these materials have the capacity to infect thousands of people, contaminate soil, buildings and transport assets, destroy agriculture and infect animal populations and eventually affect food and feed at any stage in the food supply chain. The risk of "bioterrorist" attack has been statistically low but its consequences can be devastating.

Mitigating actions are the same as for a natural outbreak e.g. early detection, sound traceability systems, rapid control and eradication measures, contingency plans and overall coordination. Nevertheless, our tools could be developed to face bio-terror attacks during which pathogens could be introduced simultaneously in a number of different locations across the EU and to cope with simultaneous outbreaks of different diseases which could overpower the established response capacities and thereby affect public health.

Read further into the European Commission Green Paper at:

The ASIS European Bureau has expressed concern that the paper has failed to recognise the professional security community as a stakeholder and is seeking urgent feedback (by 21 September) to the paper from European members of ASIS International. This will then be collated and forwarded to the European Commission.

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