Monday, October 8, 2007

Chemical Agents Appeal as Weapons of Terror, Warns Report

Hardly a day goes by without talk of - or a TV drama about - terrorist use of CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear) weapons. The following is an extract from a paper presented to the CRRN Terrorism Conference in UK earlier this year:

“Classic chemical warfare agents” are readily available from most scientific labs, can be easily dispersed and could be used in a public place such as a shopping mall. Such attacks are present difficulties for the police and first responders, and for this reason these agents appeal as weapons of terror.

“Industrial chemicals” involves a real possibility of large industrial plants being targeted by an attack. Information about the location of these sites is readily available over the internet, security on these sites can be minimal, and it is very difficult to police the sites due to their large number, dispersion and ease of accessibility. Attacks on these sites could cause considerable casualties as they are large and the possibility of contamination is high. Any attack requires minimal amount of training to orchestrate.

For a copy of the full paper contact David.

CBRN preparedness is covered in the Security Management Stage 2 Course.