Sunday, October 7, 2007

Public Information Can Aid Terrorists, Says Rand Report

The Rand Corporation has recently conducted an investigation to determine how much data regarding U.S. anti- and counterterrorism systems, countermeasures, and defenses are publicly available and could be found by individuals seeking to harm U.S. domestic interests. The study focused on information that would be freely accessible through Web search and review of library materials.

Using the U.S. Army's modified intelligence preparation of the battlefield (ModIPB), a red-team of analysts—those who role-play the job of the terrorists—were able to find information making it easier to carry out a terrorist attack against air, rail, and sea infrastructure targets, concludes the report.

The full report can be downloaded from:

Security managers are warned to check their company websites regularly to ensure that information posted there could not be of potential use to terrorists, either in sowing the seed of an idea for an attack, or providing useful information to make a successful attack more likely.