Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Getting Security Right - Creating a Security Management Culture at the Heart of the Business

“The security of the city depends less on the strength of its fortifications than on the state of mind of its inhabitants,” – a quote which is famously attributed to ancient Greek historian Thucydides.

With this in mind Phil Wood MBE recently set off to Athens to assist BP's European Regional Security Advisor in delivering specialist training to BP’s Greece-based Business Security Representatives.

BP, one of the world's largest and most famous energy companies, is a leader in of the concept of embedding security into “the line” by training non-security specialist business managers in security to enable departments to better understand and implement the type of security advocated by Thucydides. Once trained, the managers are given the official title "Business Security Representative," and thereafter lead on day-to-day security issues within their respective businesses.

This was a lively and interesting course for all concerned and a significant step forward for BP's regional security capability. All 14 delegates worked hard throughout and fully earned their end-of-course certificates.

This is the seventh year of cooperation between ARC and BP in delivering business-embedded security training, in a project which has taken ARC trainers to Dubai, India, Pakistan, South Africa, Greece, Germany, Holland, Egypt and Spain.