Monday, February 4, 2008

Adding Value to Security Management

Delegates attending the recent one-day Business Continuity Workshop in Lagos, Nigeria, discussed a range of events, external and internal, that might threaten the continuity of business operations. In Nigeria, risks can be particularly acute and the scenarios put forward by the programme participants were wide and varied.

Business continuity planning provides assurance to stakeholders that the organisation is prepared for unforeseen events that could have a serious impact on the continuation of business operations. It is therefore an issue of good corporate governance. Its importance to security managers cannot be overstated, since coordination of the business continuity response is an excellent opportunity for the security manager to add value to his or her organisational contribution.

Business Continuity Management is a module on Security Management Stage 2, but may also be attended as a one-day workshop on the following dates:

8 July 2008
21 October 2008

Or in house, by request.

Please contact Janet for details.